【双语阅读】What is Love?

【双语阅读】What is Love? What is Love? 爱是什么? What is Love? The eternal question we all carry around deep within our heart. Love is the eternal search. Love is eternal when we find it. But do we really ever find it ? When we define it do we neg...

Love is forever And we'll die, we'll die together And lie, I said never Cause our love, can be forever Now, I've got nothing left to lose You take your time to choose I can tell you now without a trace of fear that My Love, will be forever And we'l...

电影的英文名叫作love never ends,用中文来讲就是爱无止境。它跨越阶层,超越时空,跨越年龄,将两个孤独或者受伤的灵魂连接在一起,从此风雨兼程,不离不弃。经历了大半生的阅历和磨炼,爱情...

飞舞的雪花、神圣的颂歌,一望无垠的洁白,圣诞就是一个适合发生爱情的时节,两个人在雪地里像两个孩子一样嬉戏,两小无猜,回归那份单纯的美好。这个圣诞,乐维斯为所有有情人准备了丰厚真爱大礼包。 1月2号前,来乐维斯定制钻戒,既即有机会将大礼包抱回家——十二星座钻石...

黄金情书以“To My Love”(致我的爱人)开头,首句“You Are My Forever Love”,意为“你是我此生至爱”,饱含深情;正文以世界各国超过30种的语言的“我爱你”绘成一颗浪漫的心;配以深情对...

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